Britain Alone

Philip Stephens


A magisterial and profoundly perceptive survey of Britain’s post-war role on the global stage, from Suez to Brexit. In 1962, the US Secretary of State observed that post-war Britain had ‘lost an empire and not yet found a role’. His gentle rebuke still rings true. Britain, clinging to its self-image as great island nation with a penchant for lofty exceptionalism, has trod a lonely path between engagement with Europe and a treasured but often demeaning ‘special relationship’ with the US, culminating in the current Brexit crisis. From wartime victory in 1945 to Anthony Eden’s ill-judged foray in Suez – which strained American relations almost to breaking point – to David Cameron’s EU referendum, award-winning journalist Philip Stephens paints a fascinating portrait of a nation attempting to reconcile its waning power with past glories.

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Publish Date: 28/01/2021


A magisterial and profoundly perceptive survey of Britain’s post-war role on the global stage, from Suez to Brexit.

‘Admirably lucid and measured, as well as studded with sharp pen portraits of the key players, Britain Alone gives us the fullest long-run political and diplomatic narrative yet of Britain’s fateful, tragi-comic road to Brexit.’

‘Philip Stephens has produced that rare thing – an instant classic. Britain Alone is the codebook we need to unravel the six and a half decades between Suez and Brexit, and Stephens is a master of historical codebreaking.’

How might we celebrate Britain’s undoubted strengths while accepting that we have slipped from the top table? How can we act as a great nation while no longer pretending to be a great power? How might we be European and global?

In 1962 the American statesman Dean Acheson famously charged that Britain had lost an empire and failed to find a new role. Nearly sixty years later the rebuke rings true again. Britain’s postwar search for its place in the world has vexed prime ministers and government since the nation’s great victory in 1945: the cost of winning the war was giving up the empire.

After the humiliation of Anthony Eden’s Suez expedition, Britain seemed for a time to have found an answer. Clinging to its self-image as a great island nation, it would serve as America’s best friend while acknowledging its geography by signing up to membership of the European Union. Never a comfortable balancing act, for forty years it appeared to work. In 2016 David Cameron called the Brexit referendum and blew it up.

Award-winning journalist Philip Stephens paints a fascinating portrait of a nation struggling to reconcile its waning power with past glory. Drawing on decades of personal contact and interviews with senior politicians and diplomats in Britain, the United States and across the capitals of Europe, Britain Alone is a vivid account of a proud nation struggling to admit it is no longer a great power. It is an indispensable guide to how we arrived at the state we are in.

‘Compelling, informative and readable . . . offers much-needed substance.’



‘A magnificent, exhilarating book, laying bare the contradictions, misunderstandings and delusions that led Britain first to build a bridge across the Channel and then bulldoze it . . . The book is much more than Brexit.’