Facon De Parler. 2 Intermediate French

Angela Aries


‘Facon de Parler’ is specially designed for adult learners of French at intermediate level. The coursebook has been revised and updated to reflect modern trends.

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Publish Date: 28/06/2013


Now in a brand new full colour edition, Façon de Parler 2 is the perfect follow-on from Façon de Parler 1 or any other beginner’s French course, and is specially designed for adult learners at intermediate level.

The coursebook has been revised and updated to cover a wide range of topics. Layouts have been streamlined and simplified to improve readability, while use of English is kept to a minimum in line with modern trends. Each unit contains:

– lively, illustrated dialogues and comprehension questions
– structured pair-work and group-work activities
– basic vocabulary and useful expressions
– grammar notes
– listening comprehension fully referenced to audio tracks (for work with the recordings)

There are also regular revision sections to consolidate the main topics and grammar points, and a grammar summary at the end of the book.

Façon de Parler 2 is ideal for group work and will also be invaluable for individual study and revision purposes.