Everyone knows the Big Hill is full of gold, and now the islanders are intent on cutting the top off it and making themselves rich. Jessie and Jake are determined to save the Big Hill but what can they do? A plan is needed, and fast. Could the ghost of Grania O’Malley, the pirate queen, be the answer? You don’t know what you can do until you try.
From master storyteller Michael Morpurgo comes “The Ghost of Grania O’Malley”. Everyone knows the Big Hill is full of gold, and now the islanders are intent on cutting the top off it and making themselves rich. Jessie and Jake are determined to save the Big Hill but what can they do? A plan is needed, and fast. Could the ghost of Grania O’Malley, the pirate queen, be the answer? You don’t know what you can do until you try.