Artist and award-winning writer Philippa Stockey has designed, made and painted since childhood, both personally and, later, professionally. So, when she bought a derelict small house, making it lovely on a budget was top of the list. Stockley paints, sews, saws and cooks, creating, among other special things, murals, floor coverings, panels and paint effects, soft furnishings, attractive and useful shelves, home-made jam and organic polish. She uses as many natural materials as possible, keeps waste to a minimum and recycles.
In more than 300 original photos and drawings, this practical book shows you how to do the same. Where possible, choose good-quality natural materials, say no to needless plastics, aggressive chemicals, and unnecessary waste. Use your own labour to save money and give a unique result. It’s a way of life, joyful, satisfying and enriching.
Judicious use of precious resources makes us part of a cycle of creation and renewal, a global jigsaw in which everyone has a part to play. Stockley shares projects of varying complexity from her own home to inspire you to create something gorgeous in yours.