Wander through a hidden city orchard, hang outwith a 19th-century circus troupe, find aforgotten railway line in the sea, discoverBrighton’s only waterfall, visit a hidden petcemetery, borrow books from the secret library ina fridge, unearth a long-forgotten mural, browsea museum in a back-street chip shop, watch aplay in an abandoned bowling green, tap thenose of a gargoyle and make a wish, enter anEarthship, step inside a secret walled gardenand play glow-in-the-dark miniature golf withdinosaurs.Away from the clichéd seaside sights, Brighton isa city full of hidden treasures revealed toresidents and travellers who like to wander offthe beaten path. Secret Brighton An UnusualGuide is the perfect companion for those readyto discover the unusual and underground andsee the city through new eyes.