Slow Down and Grow Something: The Urban Grower’s Recipe for the Good Life
Byron Smith£12.99
Backyards, rooftops, courtyards and balconies are sprouting with herbs, ballooning with fruit and bursting with veggies across our urban landscapes. Slowly, but we certainly believe surely, people are embracing the joy of gardening and the more relaxed lifestyle it brings. There is a change in the air and we are excited to watch it unfold. Enter the completely addictive world of urban growing, where you can pocket a slice of farm life in the city, even if just for a few minutes a day. Growing your own lemongrass for a mojito or rhubarb to make jam isn’t just about producing food, rewarding though that is. It’s an antidote to the relentless pursuit to ‘do it all’. It doesn’t matter the size of your space, or your skill, the garden is a place for everyone.
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Publish Date: 05/03/2020